KRINNER at a glance

About us

KRINNER at a glance

About us

We are an internationally-active, second-generation family company. Since our establishment in 2004, we have provided a sustainable and environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional foundation construction with our ground screws.

Our company is headquartered in Straßkirchen, Lower Bavaria. As a system provider, we supply our many sales partners all around the world with ground screws, suitable ground screw drivers and relevant installation expertise.

KRINNER by numbers

countries with sales partners
global partners with numerous bases
ground screw drivers made by KRINNER
different ground screws
areas of application with endless application possibilities

At home all over the world

KRINNER Schraubfundamente GmbH
Passauer Str. 55
D-94342 Straßkirchen

North American team:
KRINNER Foundation Systems LP
6747 Theall Rd, Houston
77066 Texas

Production sites:
Germany, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Canada

At home all over the world

In line with our KRINNER philosophy and our brand values of sustainability, durability and revolution, our 50-person team is constantly working towards improving our range of products and our service so that our customers always get the best.

Our products can be used for many different applications in sustainable construction, traffic engineering and infrastructure, timber construction and landscaping as well as for home improvement and DIY projects.

Our core market is in Europe, however we have also been active in the North American market with a dedicated team for some time now. As such, we have a US branch, KRINNER Foundation Systems LP, which is located in Buffalo, New York, Long Beach, California, and Houston, Texas. 

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